For judges who have previously awarded KC Challenge Certificates but who are no longer actively judging


Mr. R Vourinen, Vantaa, Finland

Mrs F Somerfield, Worcs

Dr M Boggia Black, Kent



Judges List

*(A3 list or lower) Judges who have passed the Pharaoh Hound Club  Judging Assessment

** Passed JDP

Please note the following information from the Pharaoh Hound Club Rules with regards to Judges Criteria:

Section 12:

c. The criteria for the Judges Lists will be compiled according to Kennel Club regulations and will incorporate any changes that are required by the Kennel Club from time to time.

d. Meeting any or all of the criteria does not necessarily guarantee inclusion on any list.

e. All judges must state that they are prepared to write as part of their judging contract, a show critique as is customarily requested by the weekly dog press.

f. A judge of the Pharaoh Hound Club shows must be prepared to send a critique to the Pharaoh Hound Club Secretary if requested.